What Is The Best Way To Secure A Second-Home

What is the best way to secure a Second Home?

A break from the grind of the big city life has often been a big motivating factor in the decision to own a Second Home. The onset of the Corona Virus has strengthened the resolve of many others who were sitting on the fence, now confident in the belief that they can WFH, and even WF2ndH, as long as the Internet Gods are in their favour, of course. Towns within driving or quick flying distance(from bustling cities) that offer hills, sand and seas, have therefore seen an influx of people wanting to invest in Second Homes.

Having a second home though comes with it’s fair set of challenges, the top two being maintenance and security of said home. My domain expertise will only permit me to speak on the latter.

Owning a home in a remote area obviously makes it that much tougher to secure as well. Lack of proper guarding facilities and distance from the nearest police station make lavish homes an obvious target for theft and pilferage. The house needs to be protected against intrusion, but also needs to be cleaned/ maintained regularly, as well as monitored remotely. The lack of consistent internet and electricity make this an even bigger challenge. When owners do visit the homes, their life and valuables too need to be protected as they can become soft targets for miscreants.

So how then, does someone overcome these challenges and secure their Out-houses, Weekend or Second Homes?


CCTV systems often act as a deterrent against crime, and also give owners peace of mind as the property may be monitored remotely and ensure that the caretakers are doing their job. Live remote monitoring requires both stable electric and internet connections, which may not always be available. In such cases, CCTV cameras should be installed ensuring a secured local recording device, footage of which may be reviewed when the owners come for a visit.

Access Control

Many caretakers do not live on the premises, and may visit once every few days or weeks, depending upon the schedule of the owners. Leaving an extra set of keys with someone is always a cause for worry. For such situations, smart locks can be installed to permit one time / scheduled or even ‘on demand’ remote access, ensuring that staff / caretakers be given restricted and regulated access, minimizing chance of misuse of the house.

Intrusion Alarms

Intrusion, to me, is the biggest challenge that Second Home -owners face. Large farm-houses and stand-alone bungalows can be very difficult to secure effectively with guarding manpower. Large perimeters make any kind of electronic fencing or perimeter control an expensive proposition. Effectively designed intrusion alarm systems therefore can be the scalpel-like instrument which can most precisely protect the home, whether the home-owners are away or staying at the property. Just like smart-locks for access control, intrusion alarms too can be scheduled to allow caretakers to visit, or can be armed and disarmed remotely. One may also use a CMS Service for effective monitoring and reporting of all activity at one’s sSecond Home.

All the above technology, like I mentioned before, will be typically dependent on steady electric and internet supply. Some towns are just unable to cater to either of the above. However, using options that include inbuilt power supplies with battery backups, inverters, or diesel generators, many of these problems can be solved. Lack of broadband can be overcome by using SIM based routers. Some smart locks even allow OTPs to be sent via text to users who may not be trusted with permanent access.

Keep in mind – A Second Home does not have to mean second rate security. Plan well. Choose wisely. Make security your priority.

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