How to derive maximum value from your Security Solution!

How to derive maximum value (or money) from your Security Solution!


The phrase ‘Value For Money’ is often confused with ‘Cost-Effective’. While the two are not mutually exclusive, they are not synonymous either. With regards to the Indian Electronic Security market, stakeholders often believe the cheapest solution will automatically deliver the best value!

I do not concur.

My two and a half decade experience in this field has led me to believe that myriad facets define a truly holistic and ‘Value For Money’ Electronic Security Solution:

  1. Need

Whether at the individual or the institutional level, the requirement of the Security Solution often stems from legacy practices, heresay, flashy ad campaigns, or a misplaced understanding of emerging technology. What works in one industry or Company may not always work in another. It is my firm belief that the basic need for a Security Solution should broadly stem from one or more of the following ‘problem-solving’ reasons.

  1. Enhanced security and safety
  2. Ease of operations
  3. Reduction of cost
  4. Enhancement of statutory compliance

And must be discussed at length with not just internal stake-holders (Management, Ops, Security, IT) but even an external consultant, whether deployed formally or otherwise. The objectivity that an external consultant (who obviously knows, or is capable of understanding the business / business processes) brings to the table is invaluable and can go a long way in defining an optimal solution.

It is said that the Japanese philosophy is to spend 80% of effort and time planning, and 20% in actual execution. A similar mindset is required to carry out an effective deployment of an Electronic Security Solution.


  1. Brand

The consultant mentioned in point number 1 above will typically be conversant with all leading brands in the market, across all verticals of security solutions. CCTV / Fire Protection / Access & Entrance Control / BMS – whatever the system, it is imperative that the consultant and the team driving the project get acquainted with the latest technology on offer from the industry-leading brands, and make an informed choice after adequate research and weighing technological options, along with cost-benefit ratios and ROI before zeroing in on the brand. This decision will go a long way in meeting the end goal: value-for-money.

Product life cycle, past technological upgrades, software support and service / spares available too must be important factors to consider before embarking upon the project, as this will ensure effective scalability when the business grows.

Certain businesses, like high-end retail, for example, require a higher level of aesthetic acceptance, and this will bring to the forefront the form vs functionality and cost vs benefit debates as well.

Another example: I have often seen developers fall into the brand-trap, choosing the lowest end of the brand spectrum in order to be ‘compliant’ with the list of ‘amenities’ provided in the brochure. A couple of years and many disgruntled customers later, bad publicity ensues by word of mouth. One can see that losing potential high-value customers over a choice of Video Door Phone is hardly a ‘Value-For-Money’ decision, in the long run.

Remember, the decision on the brand is not dissimilar to getting married. If things don’t work out, getting divorced is always an option, but everyone knows that eventually the kids (in this case, the business) will rarely get out of it unscathed! Hence, choose wisely.


  1. Implementation

Imagine buying the most expensive hi-fidelity audio system for your home-theater space, and then using the wrong kind of cable or getting the position of the speakers wrong! It would be disastrous, right?

This is a mistake that many companies, especially the mid-sized ones make. They often opt for the security partner who offers the best prices, without realizing that the lower margins are often possible because of lesser-experienced staff. The service factor will be discussed in the next point, but at implementation level itself this could well mean incorrect connections, bad cable dressing, and less than optimal configuration, all of which affect ROI.

Using a partner with less-than-ideal experience can also result in sub-standard cabling and termination, effects of which will only surface after a couple of years, often time enough for an insincere implementation partner to leave you in the lurch and move on the next ‘bakra’.

Sometimes, wrong placement of equipment like, say, an access control reader, or a smoke detector or CCTV camera negates the very purpose it is supposed to serve. Project implementation must be undertaken in accordance with the consultant’s / expert’s layout plans, and under the supervision of the relevant stakeholders. Correct safeguards and procedure at the time of implementation will also add significant value to ROI. Some of these parameters could include:

  • Proper termination for both security and network equipment
  • Security of equipment in temper-proof areas / racks
  • Ample storage and redundancy in terms of data, for e.g., CCTV footage / access logs
  • Power redundancy
  • Restriction of physical and network access to limited and relevant stakeholders only
  • Correct documentation of as-built plans and passwords etc.


  1. Business Continuity

I have willfully used the phrase ‘Business Continuity’ rather than just ‘Maintenance’, because a well-planned Security Solution is an integral part of the business and ensuring that it stays well-maintained simply means it ensure your business continues effectively!

Continuing form the point above, an average or below-average implementation partner will logically also function at the same levels, or lower, when it comes to providing after-sales service. It is imperative to check the antecedents of your service partner and establish that they have a good working relationship with all OEMs that are being used for your project. This goes a long way in ensuring Business Continuity.

The typically harsh environmental conditions in India require active preventive and curative maintenance. SLA’s may well be defined on paper, but implementation at a project level is often informal as legal follow up is too tedious to implement in case of default.


  1. Conclusion

All the above factors strongly argue the case for detailed research and planning before embarking on an Electronic Security Project. VALUE FOR MONEY is derived in many ways and calculated over the effective life of a security solution, which is typically between the 5-12 year bracket, depending upon the type of system and technological advances in the industry. Just like a life partner – choose your solution wisely! Remember, your baby – your business – must always emerge the winner!


Feel free to reach out to us in case of any queries you may have on the above subject.

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